Friday, April 26, 2013

The Light Shines on in the Darkness

The Light Shines on in the Darkness

By  Linda Lee

John 1:5b"..for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it our or absorbed it or appropriated it..." and then verse 9 goes on to say, " "There it was-the true Light (was then) coming into the world [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] that illumines every person."

So, the Boston Marathon was bombed this week by an extremist MIT Student from Chechnia using pressure cookers.  Shall we know require background checks on every person buying a pressure cooker?  A fertilizer plant was bomb--or exploded they tell us.  The vile world has come to America.  From within and from without there is pressure.

Our President, chastises the House and Senate because they not not follow his edict of King Obama but leaned toward the deomcratic system of this Republic,.  His fierce anger showed his true colors.  Other presidents had enough honor and respect for our form of government to say, "the people have spoken, the problem is, the people are not speaking.  The people have their noses in their media delights.

We grieve immensely with the parents of the Sandy Hook slayings-of their young children-but we cannot control such evil acts if each person, each family, each neighborhood does not regard the sanctity of life.

Have we entered into what the Bible tells us are the end times?  Brother against brother. Signs in the sun,  moon and stars.  Evil, famine, earthquakes, destruction:  Men exchange "natural" relations for unatural?

--And the church is strangely silent-because pople will not tolerate sound doctrine.  Everyone has their own  truth-they have a "right to it".  There is disrespect for authority because authority figures have earned no place in the eyes of our youth.  

Christians are martyered every day all over the owrld.  Here in America it is now only social and financial persecution--so far.

We have been silenced by our fear of men.  We have been lulled to sleep by the melodies of materialism and tolerance.  We have accepted a "nice" gospel rather than a radical-love, dangerous and bold gospel.

Where are the Peter's and the Paul's and the Deborah's?  Where the the radical lovers like John or the martyrs?  What are we willing to sacrifice for the lamb that was slain then VICTORIOUSLY overcame death for our peace, life and freedom?

Still we have patriots, American soldiers laying down their lives in countries that do not accept or appreciate them for the freedom of those who have been oppressed-and we cut their budgets, we put them at greater risk, while Congress pads their wallets.

We sensationalize criminals on t.v. each night, while valiant, humble God-representing men like George Beverly Shea are over-looked for a life time of making a difference.

This week, the commentators speaking of the young Islamist killed by police in Boston, said that people were "surprised"-he went to good schools, he was well-dressed, his brother was well liked-  Oh, my, is that how we judge goodness in the America?  Our brand names define our reputations?


Will anyone in this generation listen?  Have even my own children been formed by the "patterns of this world?"  T.V.  Designer clothes, cars, popular trends, nice-ness, and forgotten that there is absolute truth?

God, give my grandchildren discernment.  Show us how to teach them.  How to look into the eyes of a person and see light or darkness-to recognize the difference between truth and error.  Give us
Power from On High
to overcome the darkness with YOU-THE LIGHT.
Give us a faith that trandlates to the generations.  May those who come behind us find us faithful.

I Thes.  5:11 & 14 "Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up one another, just as you are doing. ...encourage the timid and fainthearted, help and give support to the weak souls, [and] be very patient with everybody [always keeping your temper]

Monday, April 1, 2013

Today, my thoughts are on children.  Jesus loved them.  Our society does not.  We kill the unborn and toss them away--or maybe market their embryonic cord, salvage the placenta for "adult" treatements.  We deny them the basic of all truth in our public schools:  The Bible.  We inject them with vaccines and steroids and aderall and fill them with empty calories of un-wholesome foods.  Even the conscientious Moms using energy drinks and health smoothies on the run are side stepping the fiber and other needed beneifts of a family meal at a family table. Jesus modeled that too.  

Moms and Dads are so busy making a living, adding to or trying to recoop their portfolio that there is little time to hear what a child is thinking or feeling.  Our children learn to talk, but do they learn to think?

You don't hear much about it these days, even in evangelical churches, but we have accepted the mark of the Beast...some think it is some 666 tatoo, and one day that may be, but really it is accepting the delusion, the spirit of this age, the deception of this world, by conforming to the standards of "the world" rather than the standards of God.

God's dietary laws were given for our health.
His sexual laws were also given for our physical and emotional health and that of our pro-created families.
Gods laws for family, business, ethics, all are guidelines for a beneficial growth environment.

So, we accept the demonic (oh, that's a strong word, some might say)  world system.  Remember, Jesus told his disciples, to live IN the world but not OF the world.  We don't even comprehend what that means as we are locked into our March Madness Sports brackets, our tanning times, golf dates, school competitions, and home improvement projects.  Demonic?  Is it of God?  What does God say?  Have we chosen the "better" part?  Have we chosen the heavenly minded as opposed to the earth bound? And HOW is that affecting our children?

Do we pay attention to our daily bread?  I mean our spiritual sustenance??

Why the auto immunie diseases?  Why the autism? And ADHD?  Why disintegrating famlies?  Why the societial shift to accept homosexual lifestyles as merely an alternative?

And what about the children?  Oh, LORD God, Jehovah, Yashua, protect the children.  Bless the families of those who diligently seek you.  Amen.