Monday, March 18, 2013

Book review: "The Panoramic Seer"

"The Panoramic Seer-Bringing the Prophetic into the Healing Anointing" by James Maloney is a very balanced approach to a topic many Evangelicals have been afraid to look at honestly and biblically.

In a recent article, an African Pastor was criticizing the American Church for losing its power.  It has become a huge eunuch, large but incapable of reproducing.  Why?  Because they have lost the power.

We have let the professional churchman and the professional statesman (though I hesitate to use that term with today's politicians) lull us into accepting an academic Christianity, or shall I, once again use the term churchianity, because the model that is followed is the model of heirarchal church of programs and traditions exempting the church model of the book of Acts.

We have been lullyabyed into accepting a "nice" Christianity, tolerant of everyone and everything, a "nice" Jesus that gets angry at no one, not even the money changers in the temple.

Jesus modeled for us where his strength came from, and ours should be, as well.  In the garden, on our knees, away from the crowds, alone.  Yes, usually alone.  Although we do have the example of the disciples in the upper room "waiting on the Lord"...waiting for the power, the anointing to come upon them.  He who would be the greatest, must serve.  He who is weakest will become strong.  Credentials?  Few disciples had them.

James Maloney give us experiences and clues to releasing the prophetic gifting: inheritance, humility, compassion, righteousness and faith, subjects rarely discussed in discipleship today.  He talks about the secret place.  Though we receive power in that secret place, we  can only go there by letting go of all that we are, or think we are. We can only go there on our knees, not in our credentialed bonnets.

Maloney helps us discern that Jesus is not in the girations of  "agitated frenzy" activity that some groups hope will manifest the Spirit..."In reality it is a catharsis that caters to the flesh."  Because the gift of discernment has not been in operation in many evangelical circles, the operation of the Spirit was quenched in the corporate church setting in an effort to control those 'agitated frenzies' not of the Lord.

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