Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Helping Others Overcome Addictions"-Book Review

"Addiction is Satan's substitute.  It is a substitute for intimacy.  "  Says Steve McVery and Mike Quarles in "Helping Others Overcome Addictions".  "Lies keep people in bondage".  We believe lies that are implanted in us in times of innocence.  What does a child say to themselves when Daddy misses one too many ball games?  (Perhaps, Daddy doesn't care) Then later, a teacher or Pastor disappoints, a girlfriend breaks up with him and all these events get added to that "seedling" and now become "no one cares" innocent life event becomes the seed for hopelessness.  People fill their voids with substitute intimacies...even church addictions and performance orientations explains priests and Pastors who become alcoholic, because performance doesn't fill that empty spot, only relationship can.  Not doctrine.

  It is so important for caring, wise adults to help children process life experiences through a healthy lens or the child may let a hurtful seed root in their lives that becomes a stronghold in their lives.

Why has the church relinquished "addiction" counseling to the unbelieving world/secular world?  Because the church has become powerless, rich in theology, traditions and programs but lacking "the power" that can only be given by healthy, intimate relationships with the ONE who can lead, guide and direct.

Too many "Christians" have misunderstand the role of Messiah, the Church and Christianity in their lives and thus swallowed a "lie" that harms them.  So, this book is a call BACK to THE ONE, THE TRUTH AND THE man comes to the Father but by Him and no one climbs out of addictions but by Him.

Secular re-hab groups succeed when they follow and implement biblical truths, but their success are few and far between, as well, because it is a 10 Step program, or a 6 month in house re-hab, it is replacing lies with the truth through THE ONE.  It is dying to self and giving ones life to The ONE who died for each of us and had victory over sin, so that, we too, might have victory.

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