Monday, January 20, 2014

Michigan, Love it or Leave It!

People!  If you live in Michigan, love it or leave it.  Quit whinning about snow.  If you live in Michigan you will have snow in the winter.  January usually holds a couple of snow "events".  In March we usually have at least one ice storm.  You need a shovel, a snow blower, warm boots, gloves and a winter coat.  You will have to use your defroster and heater in your car.  It's winter in Michigan.

Aside from the beautiful snow covered trees all glistening in the sun, we have winter sports like ice skating.  Yes,  you actually skate on the ice and come home with rosy cheeks and lungs full of fresh, clean air.  There is skiing in many forms, snow mobiling and we have acres of snow mobile tracks.  If you like to watch winter from inside, grab a book and LEARN something.
Now, yes the expressways can become dangerous during a storm "event".  But there are usually ample warnings and department of transportation workers that keep them clear.  They know when to use salt, when to use sand and when to tell you to "get the heck off the roads, you idiot".
Those who have grown up in Michigan winters know how to slide down a hill sideways and right the car at the bottom of the hill, how to plow through snow drifts on back country roads, they know where to park their car so as not to "get snowed in"...and many have nice garages with electric openers that keep them ever-ready to move in the winter.

There am many fashionable winter-wear accessories for the fashionistas.  If you are too fragile for winter in Michigan, then you are too fragile.  Michigan has lead the nation in many economic endeavors (educationally, manufacturing and of course building cars) --we have not been wimps.We are hardy stock.

So, toughen up, quit complaining or move south.

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