Saturday, April 19, 2014


"Let Them Eat Cake"
Yashua did admonish his disciples to care for the widows, orphans and the poor.  As modern day disciples, we do not need to do so, because the state will take care of them--right?  That way we all share the burden-at least that is the idea.  But for many generations now, the middle class has carried this burden in compatibility with the wealthy who supplied the jobs and income for them to do so.  It worked-relatively,  unless you were "under class'...ethnically diverse, disabled, undereducated.
Now, we are moving into another socio economic status.  Yes, we still have the wealthy and powerful--but they do not share the same values with the poor and middle class.   We have wealthy churches and inner city "mission" churches.  The wealthy are no longer philanthropists and self-governed to care for the weak.  The are elitist, greedy and selfish.  While they take world wide vacation flings, children go hungry and needy.  It is blamed on their drug addicted and media addicted parents that will not work--but that is not the complete picture either. 
I have often seen the poor children well provided for with boots and coats and designer brands at that.  They are shuttled off to camps and enrichment programs while the children of the hard working Mom and Dad, maybe with two jobs each, saying, "pizza is good enough" and we can "make do" with those tennis shoes one more year.  They shop at 2nd hand stores and budget their money, pay their taxes and even tithe--because they are grateful to the Creator of the Universe for His creations. 
So, enters the Obama era of government--and it is time to "pay back" those selfish Republicans and whites--not the rich and wealthy but the middle class man or woman that goes off to work every day and grieviously leaves their treasure at day care--a government approved day care.  It's not just the NSA that is spying, big brother decides what Medicare and Medicaid will provide, schools cease to be locally run with local values and impose standards that contradict the strong moral and spiritual ethics of the middle class Mom and Dad.
Neighborhoods are taken over by druggies and the middle class are asked to relinquish their guns.  Let the government protect you.  Who in their right mind would trust the government to run anything?  We have.  We have more agencies and czars and administrative assistants and interns than the system can afford financially.  And the fact that most are morally deficient is another whole issue.
I am not sure this immorally tolerant society gets what is happening to our infrastructure of government.  Yashua said, "Christ (Yashua) in me the hope of Glory"--the hope of the ages, the hope of our families, the hope of our nation.  We substituted.   "Government Agencies" are the hope of America (?)   It can't work, won't work, never has worked.  How well have Communists fared?
While the masses "eat bread" and are told to "pull the belt tighter" our elected officials are literally screwing around--on our time, our money and our future. 
As we Celebrate Easter, Resurrection Day, let us remember that yashua did not leave us defenseless.  Those of us who belong to Him, are victorious in Yashua.  We have the Holy Spirit to help us overcome in the Spirit.  We need to fall on our knees and pray for America-for the world, for the Jews in Ukraine, Pastor Saed in Syria, for orphans in Nigeria and ask that "His Kingdom would come and His will be done on EARTH--as it is in heaven!"
We need to pray that the "wall of poverty, elitism, communism and every other ism will come falling down like the walls of Jericho.  We need to hear God's voice and OBEY.  That word is seldom used and even less understood in a "ME-ism" society.  I am my own boss, I matter to me, My money is mine, I will attend the church that entertains ME...and on and on it goes. 
Let' us focus on, envision and work toward that "Glorious Kingdom"--not of this world but of the world to come.  HE is our ONLY hope.