Disgraceful Words
Paula Deen's use of the N____ word definitely was disgraceful. To say so, is one of the political correct stances of the era. But what about other disgraceful words like neglect, or the abandonment of the word and meaning of neighbor?
What about the word greed? That single attitude has brought down corporate America with its co-offenders disloyalty, disrespect, divorce, perversion...shall I go on?
So why do we single out this ONE word? Maybe because its history of abuse has lingered in our culture for far too long and maybe because its sin is the root to alot of the others.
I introduced my grandchildren to a history series on "America's Godly Heritage" to which my daughter in law promptly let me know America was not a Godly nation and is not currently a Godly nation, but rather a nation of gods. Perspective? "The heart is desperately wicked above all things, who can tame it?"
Perhaps we used to have the illusion of Christianity and morals, and now every sin has come to the surface for this generation to deal with in truth. Maybe God has allowed the sins to surface, come out of the closet so that they can be dealt with and healed. To be dealt with in Judgement or Grace as the attitude and intent warrant. He is the Almighty Judge.
I do want to make the statement that sin is sin whether overt or covert and God will deal with it. We have spent a lot of years teaching on God's Amazing Love and Grace and that is so true, but we have not balanced that with God's judgement. There must be both for balance.
So whether I think the N____word or secretly hate my neighbor, is of little import. The God of all truth, the God who is LOVE will judge accordingly.
My suggestion is that we forgive Paula Deen and her heritage that allowed that seed to sprout in her in 2013. She has repented in word (her intent only God can judge) she has paid her "fine" so to speak and now let's all move forward. Let's work toward ONE nation under ONE God.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Called to Be An Intercessor?
Called to Be An Intercessor?
Becoming an intercessor, is not something you DO, it is something you are.-- Though it does come from time spent with the Savior. Something we become through practice, relationship and diligence.
You may have been born with a bent towards caring for others, or it has been successfully modeled for you, but a “true” intercessor is called. Every believer is called to “bear one another's burdens”. Just as every believer is interested in evangelism, but not all are evangelists. Perhaps, you were born into a family that needed you to “bear their burdens”...sometimes children bear burdens that should be reserved for adults but then it becomes a life-pattern. That is NOT of the Lord, that is flesh that hinders growth and development of YOUR individual personality.
An intercessor accepts only God-led burdens.
An intercessor is molded through deep pain, and deep intimacy with the Savior.
It “may” require a level of discipline. But it also “may” require a level of flexibility. Can you come along side those who weep? Can you hear the Savior when He awakens you in the night? Has He revealed to you secrets of His heart?
He may give you a level of discernment or a prophetic inclination. Usually, a “seasoned” prayer warrior is a bit more mature—not in chronological days but in ministry days, in spiritual days or years.
Have you ever been with a seasoned saint that seems to know what you are thinking before you say it? You feel drawn to that person—it is Christ in them the hope of Glory. It is as the “glow” that Moses had after being on the mountain with God. No amount of education, position, or man-ordained authority can replace the anointing that comes from intimacy with the Lord.
Usually, you will not find an intercessor on the platform, but in an unseen position, seeking ONLY the Savior. They do not seek the accolades of men. They have learned to meld the knowledge of His Word and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit as channeled through their emptied flesh. “Christ in me the hope of Glory”.
They practice prayer as in older days referred to as “praying through”. God will place a “burden” upon you. He reveals to you one who needs His encouragement of inner healing or possibly physical healing or direction. It is a discipline, but it is also a feeling, a heightened awareness, not just a name on a prayer list a “should pray” kind of discipline (though there is room for that too). First, the intercessor listens and waits for the Father's heart concerning this person, concerning their real need. There may be a marriage breaking up, that is of utmost concern to God and to the Body of Christ. But, the “real” issue is a deep heart-issue that God will reveal to the intercessor to break a stronghold, or to heal a learned pattern of thinking or behavior. Some intercessors receive “pictures” from the Lord of what can be or should be or is. Some receive a “knowing”. What God reveals in secret, is to be kept in secret. It is an intimacy with the Savior alone. But it is for the benefit of another or The Body. If you only feel heaviness that does not lift in prayer, then you, personally are carrying that burden IN your flesh and have not yet released it to the Savior—which is the whole point of intercessory prayer.
Some have taught that there is no new revelation, that we were given the Word, period. They forget that we were also given the Holy Spirit to be our Guide, in unity, compatibility with HIM, The Intercessor. We become intercessors. We take the burden beyond the veil into the Holy of Holies. Not everyone knows how to go there for themselves. The burden is there, released.
Meditation is a learned practice that yields fruit in the prayer closet of the intercessor. When we meditate on the Word, when we actually PRAY God's Word back to Him, allowing it to flow from hours of rich conversations with the Lord, it pours forth into the prayer need, into the needy one via what I will call prayer waves.
The intercessor is a channel. We must be emptied of self, and none of us do that perfectly. None of us do that consistently. That is why it is such a gift when we experience that power, whether it is momentarily or over a prolonged period of prayer and fasting—eventually, we must come off that mountain. Eventually our flesh kicks back in—but we long for, ache for, reach for that one more moment of ecstasy with our Savior. As Paul said, “whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know”...a mystery to be discovered.
And just a word on fasting. It is biblical. There are different kinds of fasting. Some fast food and pray, some fast media or pull away from the crowds. It is doing whatever YOU need to do to hear the Father's voice, to hear HIS heart beat and understand His Word. There is effort and sacrifice involved, but it is not a practice that is out there for some more-Holy-than-the-rest-of-us-saints. He has already appropriated HIS POWER to us.
I Thes. 2:13
“ And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its super-human power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it].”
How do we get “the power”? Remember Simeon the sorcerer offered to pay Peter for “the gift”? It is not for sale. Most gifts aren't.
Position? I have been in places where the power of God fell upon me in a physical fashion so powerfully, I could not do anything but bend. Some lay prostrate on the floor. Some raise their hands to God in praise. Some kneel. Some pour forth tears not of themselves. We prideful American's like to stay in our tidy pews in restrained and dignified positions. We await the Pastor to issue his decree to stand or sit...and our services never get out-of-control. That is the crux of the issue, who IS in control? Who are you willing to let be in control? It's a good thing to follow the Pastor's suggestions, it is good training to heed the Holy Spirit's suggestions. The issue is are you willing, are you able to REACH for Him whatever it takes? Have you ever been desperate for God, hungering for God enough to do whatever He asks? When you are, then you can share that with others. Until then, you are just standing out in the spiritual lobby.
The Holy of Holies is a private place, where the Bridegroom meets his Bride with total abandon.
The Holy of Holies is a private place, where the Bridegroom meets his Bride with total abandon.
List of Presidential religious affiliations (by religion)
- John Adams
(later Unitarian)
- Ronald Reagan
(also Presbyterian)
- George W. Bush
(later Methodist)
- George W. Bush
(originally Episcopalian)
- Ronald Reagan
(also Disciples of Christ)
Barack Obama
(later no affiliation)
- Barack Obama
(previously United
Church of Christ)
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Check It Out: Public Homeschool and Private School Options
Public Private or Homeschool?
There are many aspects of education to consider Children have varying needs, giftings and educational styles. There are parental needs, including finance, time and work pressures, morality, locality and transportation issues. There are many options.
What is good for one child might be disasterous for another. As a young Mom I would have said the mother knows her child best. As a Grandmother, I can see that the "grand" ( ie. age, experience, hindsight and wisdom) in some of us might suggest:: "ask some elders for their opinions, too." Mothers, naturally want to protect, and that is more needed now than in recent American history. But, I see many over-shielded children, I see many parents passing on their immaturity, fears and hang-ups to their children. (Don't we all?)
Often, I see fathers not involved enough in the decisions. "Mom, step away from the child". If he is weaned, then give Dad some credibility. Chidren need BOTH parents to be involved and co-operating with each other for the beneift of the child.
There are good homeschool mothers as teachers and good public school teachers. There are good teachers and there are not so good teachers and far too many dangerous teachers within all systems of education.
My husband was principal in a private school, taught in public schools and private college. We have seen abuses and we have seen excellence in all varieties of education. We had three sons. The first son, had public and private-Christian education in elementary and college. He had a verbally abusive first grade teacher, we should have pulled him immediately but we were young and endoctrinated in the public system ourselves at the time. The second had private Christian education ( he completed 1st grade before age 5 then had to re-take Kindergarden at the public school. We provided a few home school classes when we did not approve of curriculum and the Superintendent of Schools in the public school approved the curriculum saying is was far superior to what they were doing. He attended both Christian and public college. He graduated with honors. Our third son was home schooled, attended private school, public school and then Private Christian College. They are all good men. They have all struggled at times and succeeded at times. They have all had to make adjustments that made them stronger, better men. We kept our vow to God to give them the best opportunities of church and school that we were able.
For parents struggling and wrestling with the decisions for each of their own children currently, I just want to say to them to make their decisions prayerfully. Consider the options that will best meet the need of the child within the parameters that God has given. Ask for Godly, wise advise. Do your homework. Check out all your options. Tour the schools in your area, ask about the home school group in your community, see what materials the library and homeschool community might offer. Visit the Christian school and the public school consider YOUR child's needs. Know your child's learning style, temperment and weaknesses. Meeting with your own peers is a good support system, but do not JUST listen to those in your own age group, seek out wise, older people for their insight. Ask a Sunday School teacher what they see in your child, sometimes Moms are too close to really see the big picture. Ask Grandma, her desire is to see the children prosper, she is not attacking your parenting style ( well probably not).
Consider your goals for your child. Consider your own world view. Can my child learn the skills necessary to excell in the world's system and still remain a person of strength, integrity and humanity?
What is good for one of your children, might not be the best for another of your children. Parent confidently. If God is for you, who can be against you? "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." The Word is truth. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, so keep first things first, personal integirty might be a higher priority than winning a spelling bee or accepting a sports trophy at any particular time.
Whatever you decide for your children, seek Godly mentors. Make life skills a priority, "study to show yourself approved, a workman that needs not to be ashamed."
We are seeing all too clearly men that have ample experience, impressive credentials from prestigious universities make horryfying choices regarding person morality and integrity. We cannot continue to educate the mind and neglect the nuturing and guidance of the heart. The Word of God teaches that "the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things, who can tame it?" As a nation, as parents we must consider this and act in accordance with Godly principles.
It is important to protect children. But, ultimately, we need not protect them from the world as much as prepare them to STAND STRONG in it. How do we teach a child to "Dare to be a Daniel?" Very Carefully.
Trust God to guide you. Do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways and for those of your child, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.
There are many aspects of education to consider Children have varying needs, giftings and educational styles. There are parental needs, including finance, time and work pressures, morality, locality and transportation issues. There are many options.
What is good for one child might be disasterous for another. As a young Mom I would have said the mother knows her child best. As a Grandmother, I can see that the "grand" ( ie. age, experience, hindsight and wisdom) in some of us might suggest:: "ask some elders for their opinions, too." Mothers, naturally want to protect, and that is more needed now than in recent American history. But, I see many over-shielded children, I see many parents passing on their immaturity, fears and hang-ups to their children. (Don't we all?)
Often, I see fathers not involved enough in the decisions. "Mom, step away from the child". If he is weaned, then give Dad some credibility. Chidren need BOTH parents to be involved and co-operating with each other for the beneift of the child.
There are good homeschool mothers as teachers and good public school teachers. There are good teachers and there are not so good teachers and far too many dangerous teachers within all systems of education.
My husband was principal in a private school, taught in public schools and private college. We have seen abuses and we have seen excellence in all varieties of education. We had three sons. The first son, had public and private-Christian education in elementary and college. He had a verbally abusive first grade teacher, we should have pulled him immediately but we were young and endoctrinated in the public system ourselves at the time. The second had private Christian education ( he completed 1st grade before age 5 then had to re-take Kindergarden at the public school. We provided a few home school classes when we did not approve of curriculum and the Superintendent of Schools in the public school approved the curriculum saying is was far superior to what they were doing. He attended both Christian and public college. He graduated with honors. Our third son was home schooled, attended private school, public school and then Private Christian College. They are all good men. They have all struggled at times and succeeded at times. They have all had to make adjustments that made them stronger, better men. We kept our vow to God to give them the best opportunities of church and school that we were able.
For parents struggling and wrestling with the decisions for each of their own children currently, I just want to say to them to make their decisions prayerfully. Consider the options that will best meet the need of the child within the parameters that God has given. Ask for Godly, wise advise. Do your homework. Check out all your options. Tour the schools in your area, ask about the home school group in your community, see what materials the library and homeschool community might offer. Visit the Christian school and the public school consider YOUR child's needs. Know your child's learning style, temperment and weaknesses. Meeting with your own peers is a good support system, but do not JUST listen to those in your own age group, seek out wise, older people for their insight. Ask a Sunday School teacher what they see in your child, sometimes Moms are too close to really see the big picture. Ask Grandma, her desire is to see the children prosper, she is not attacking your parenting style ( well probably not).
Consider your goals for your child. Consider your own world view. Can my child learn the skills necessary to excell in the world's system and still remain a person of strength, integrity and humanity?
What is good for one of your children, might not be the best for another of your children. Parent confidently. If God is for you, who can be against you? "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." The Word is truth. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, so keep first things first, personal integirty might be a higher priority than winning a spelling bee or accepting a sports trophy at any particular time.
Whatever you decide for your children, seek Godly mentors. Make life skills a priority, "study to show yourself approved, a workman that needs not to be ashamed."
We are seeing all too clearly men that have ample experience, impressive credentials from prestigious universities make horryfying choices regarding person morality and integrity. We cannot continue to educate the mind and neglect the nuturing and guidance of the heart. The Word of God teaches that "the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things, who can tame it?" As a nation, as parents we must consider this and act in accordance with Godly principles.
It is important to protect children. But, ultimately, we need not protect them from the world as much as prepare them to STAND STRONG in it. How do we teach a child to "Dare to be a Daniel?" Very Carefully.
Trust God to guide you. Do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways and for those of your child, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Who Thinks This Way?
Who Thinks like that?
I am a liar. I am sure I was born a liar, because when I was very small I remember thinking, I am a liar. So, I must have been born that way, no one ever told me I was a liar. Throughout Jr. High school I continued to investigate the lying lifestyle with mixed responses, most not so good. I found a few other teens who were also liars, but for the most part, I was ostracized, put down, made fun of and generally unaccepted by kids and teachers.
My parents were supportive, in fact, I think they were liars too. We changed churches because they openly berated liars from the pulpit. They treated me with disdain. I just wanted to be loved like anyone else wanted to be loved. So, we joined a church where others not only supported, but applauded my lifestyle. Our Pastor was a kind, compassionate man, and he too, was a liar, though he rarely admitted it publically.
I went to several schools, but in time, I was rejected there too. It hurt deeply not to be accepted and loved for who I was. I had no intention of changing, how does someone change something like that?. I was born a liar. In most segments of society, lying is practiced even if it is not embraced, and few people ever come out of the closet with the truth, because that would be inconsistent with who we are at our core.
Sound ridiculous? Well, that is what the gay agenda is promoting. Accept me, accept my sin. I was born this way, it is part of my dna. Yes, sin is part of all our DNA, but Jesus came with a remedy for sin.
This thinking is right in that we are all born sinners. We all want and need love. But we somewhere have a disconnect with love and acceptance. It is not a Christian cliche' to say, "love the sinner, hate the sin". We all need to navigate this path. People need love. Liars, Murderers, cheaters, adultresses, alcoholics...NO PROBLEM. You were created for God's good pleasure, not your own.
In my 52 years of being a Christian I have never heard anyone say, I am a sinner, liar, gossip, murderer, manipulator and I intend to stay that way, live that way and get to heaven that way. I have heard Christians say, I am a Christian, my sins are forgiven, yet I still struggle with alcohol, drugs, lying, but by God's grace He is changing me every day. He is conforming me to His likeness. He is redeeming my soul from the grave, death, sin and every evil thing.
I have no problem loving a gay person. I do have a problem when someone says, I am gay and I fully expect to stay that way. I don't want God to change me and redeem me. I am comfortable with my sin.I want you to be comfortable with my sin. I also think I deserve to lead others in the path of unrighteousness. It is no different than the Agnostic or Atheist that clings tenaciously to their misguided beliefs. You are entitled to your beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have to accept them and it doesn't mean that you are right.
There's another un-tolerated idea. Right. Wrong. Who is to say what is wrong? The Ten Commandments must only be suggestions. I am my own God, I will decided what is truth and what is not. Hmm.
Civilization has come to this eroded standard of ethics before, and those societies no longer exist. Why would that be?
I am a liar. I am sure I was born a liar, because when I was very small I remember thinking, I am a liar. So, I must have been born that way, no one ever told me I was a liar. Throughout Jr. High school I continued to investigate the lying lifestyle with mixed responses, most not so good. I found a few other teens who were also liars, but for the most part, I was ostracized, put down, made fun of and generally unaccepted by kids and teachers.
My parents were supportive, in fact, I think they were liars too. We changed churches because they openly berated liars from the pulpit. They treated me with disdain. I just wanted to be loved like anyone else wanted to be loved. So, we joined a church where others not only supported, but applauded my lifestyle. Our Pastor was a kind, compassionate man, and he too, was a liar, though he rarely admitted it publically.
I went to several schools, but in time, I was rejected there too. It hurt deeply not to be accepted and loved for who I was. I had no intention of changing, how does someone change something like that?. I was born a liar. In most segments of society, lying is practiced even if it is not embraced, and few people ever come out of the closet with the truth, because that would be inconsistent with who we are at our core.
Sound ridiculous? Well, that is what the gay agenda is promoting. Accept me, accept my sin. I was born this way, it is part of my dna. Yes, sin is part of all our DNA, but Jesus came with a remedy for sin.
This thinking is right in that we are all born sinners. We all want and need love. But we somewhere have a disconnect with love and acceptance. It is not a Christian cliche' to say, "love the sinner, hate the sin". We all need to navigate this path. People need love. Liars, Murderers, cheaters, adultresses, alcoholics...NO PROBLEM. You were created for God's good pleasure, not your own.
In my 52 years of being a Christian I have never heard anyone say, I am a sinner, liar, gossip, murderer, manipulator and I intend to stay that way, live that way and get to heaven that way. I have heard Christians say, I am a Christian, my sins are forgiven, yet I still struggle with alcohol, drugs, lying, but by God's grace He is changing me every day. He is conforming me to His likeness. He is redeeming my soul from the grave, death, sin and every evil thing.
I have no problem loving a gay person. I do have a problem when someone says, I am gay and I fully expect to stay that way. I don't want God to change me and redeem me. I am comfortable with my sin.I want you to be comfortable with my sin. I also think I deserve to lead others in the path of unrighteousness. It is no different than the Agnostic or Atheist that clings tenaciously to their misguided beliefs. You are entitled to your beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have to accept them and it doesn't mean that you are right.
There's another un-tolerated idea. Right. Wrong. Who is to say what is wrong? The Ten Commandments must only be suggestions. I am my own God, I will decided what is truth and what is not. Hmm.
Civilization has come to this eroded standard of ethics before, and those societies no longer exist. Why would that be?
Monday, August 5, 2013
Book Review for "The Emotionally Absent Mother" by Jasmine Lee Cori, MS, LPC
Mother as the Tree of Life was my first obstacle to wading through the psycho-babble of mother issues. Though, as a Christian, I see Jesus/Yashua as the ONLY tree of LIfe, which began before the Garden, I continued to read.
Weekly I deal with wounded women who have had mother issues, trauma in childhood which transfers to being a wounded wife or wounding mother with "fruit" that does not come from the "true" Tree of Life as God intended. I want to know all that I can, to help bring hurting people to a place of peace and healing. So, I read on.
As I waded in deeper and deeper I saw there was much wisdom to be gleaned. Cori's objectives were to help individuals assess to what extent they were undermothered. To help people see the connection between the mothering they experienced as children and their present difficulties in life, and to provide for how the missing elements in mothering can be made up for through therapy, close relationships and by providing them for ourselves.
Though Ms. Cori is very knowledgeable, and offers much wisdom, what is missing is the spiritual implications of "healing ourselves"...Jesus is THE Healer. Unfortunately, the church has brought us Jesus as Scholar which often does not meet the deep down wounded child inside many of us. But it is available. Perhaps, I need to write a book about the healing and progress I have seen in lives when they meet THE HEALER in a personal way.
I liked Ms. Cori's emphasis on journaling as a self help measure. That is very biblical, we have the whole book of Psalms, where David modeled for us his journal and dialog with God--his hurts and his healings. Ms. Cori speaks of reprogramming the brain. Again, this is not the invention of psychology. In Romans 12 we are told to renew our minds.--We must have the help of THE Teacher/Healer/Shepherd to do this. Ms. Cori could not be more right on by the idea of a lack of mentoring. Where are the mentors, church?? Jesus spent three years with 12 men, mentoring them in the skills of powered living.
So, I guardedly can recommend this book to Christian counselors and healers--keeping in mind from where our strength comes from--our ONLY Source: Yashua, Savior and Healer.
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