Sunday, August 11, 2013

Check It Out: Public Homeschool and Private School Options

Public Private or Homeschool?

  There are many aspects of education to consider  Children have varying needs, giftings and educational styles.  There are parental needs, including finance, time and work pressures, morality, locality and transportation issues.  There are many options.

What is good for one child might be disasterous for another.  As a young Mom I would have said the mother knows her child best.  As a Grandmother, I can see that the "grand" ( ie.  age, experience, hindsight and wisdom)  in some of us  might suggest::   "ask some elders for their opinions, too."  Mothers, naturally want to protect, and that is more needed now than in recent American history.  But, I see many over-shielded children, I see many parents passing on their immaturity, fears and hang-ups to their children.  (Don't we all?)

Often, I see fathers not involved enough in the decisions.  "Mom, step away from the child".  If he is weaned, then give Dad some credibility.  Chidren need BOTH parents to be involved and co-operating with each other for the beneift of the child.

There are good  homeschool mothers as teachers  and good  public school teachers.  There are good teachers and there are not so good teachers and far too many dangerous teachers within all systems of education.

My husband was principal in a private school, taught in public schools and private college.  We have seen abuses and we have seen excellence in all varieties of education.  We had three sons.  The first son,  had public and  private-Christian education in elementary and college.  He had a verbally abusive first grade teacher, we should have pulled him immediately but we were young and endoctrinated in the public system ourselves at the time.   The second had private Christian education ( he completed 1st grade before age 5 then had to re-take Kindergarden at the public school.  We provided a  few home school classes when we did not approve of curriculum and the Superintendent of Schools in the public school approved the curriculum saying is was far superior to what they were doing.  He attended both Christian and public college.  He graduated with honors.  Our  third  son was  home schooled, attended  private school, public school and then Private Christian College.  They are all good men.  They have all struggled at times and succeeded at times.  They have all had to make adjustments that made them stronger, better men.  We kept our vow to God to give them the best opportunities of church and school that we were able.

For parents struggling and wrestling with the decisions for each of their own children currently, I just want to say to them to make their decisions prayerfully.  Consider the options that will best meet the need of the child within the parameters that God has given.  Ask for Godly, wise advise.  Do your homework. Check out all your options.  Tour the schools in your area, ask about the home school group in your community, see what materials the library and homeschool community might offer.  Visit the Christian school and the public school consider YOUR child's needs.  Know your child's learning style, temperment and weaknesses.  Meeting with  your own peers is a good support system, but do not JUST listen to those in your own age group, seek out wise, older people for their insight.  Ask a Sunday School teacher what they see in your child, sometimes Moms are too close to really see the big picture.  Ask Grandma, her desire is to see the children prosper, she is not attacking your parenting style ( well probably not).

Consider your goals for your child.  Consider your own world view.  Can my child learn the skills necessary to excell in the world's system and still remain a person of strength, integrity and humanity?

What is good for one of your children, might not be the best for another of your children.  Parent confidently.  If God is for you, who can be against you?  "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  The Word is truth.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, so keep first things first, personal integirty might be a higher priority than winning a spelling bee or accepting a sports trophy at any particular time.

Whatever you decide for your children, seek Godly mentors.  Make life skills a priority,   "study to show yourself approved, a workman that needs not to be ashamed."

We are seeing all too clearly men that have ample experience, impressive credentials from prestigious universities make horryfying choices regarding person morality and integrity.  We cannot continue to  educate the mind and neglect the nuturing and guidance of the heart.  The Word of God teaches that "the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things,   who can tame it?"  As a nation, as parents we must consider this and act in accordance with Godly principles.

It is important to protect children.  But, ultimately, we need not protect them from the world as much as prepare them to STAND STRONG in it.  How do we teach a child to "Dare to be a Daniel?"  Very Carefully.
Trust God to guide you.  Do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways and for those of your child, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.

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