Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Who Thinks This Way?

Who Thinks like that?

I am a liar.  I am sure I was born a liar, because when I was very small I remember thinking, I am a liar.  So, I must have been born that way, no one ever told me I was a liar.  Throughout Jr. High school I continued to investigate the lying lifestyle with mixed responses, most not so good.  I found a few other teens who were also liars, but  for the most part, I was ostracized, put down, made fun of and generally unaccepted by kids and teachers.

My parents were supportive, in fact, I think they were liars too. We changed churches because they openly berated liars from the pulpit.  They treated me with disdain.  I just wanted to be loved like anyone else wanted to be loved.  So, we joined a church where others not only supported, but applauded my lifestyle.  Our Pastor was a kind, compassionate man, and he too, was a liar, though he rarely admitted it publically.

I went to several schools, but in time, I was rejected there too.  It hurt deeply not to be accepted and loved for who I was.  I had no intention of changing, how does someone change something like that?.  I was born a liar.  In most segments of society, lying is practiced even if it is not embraced, and few people ever come out of the closet with the truth, because that would be inconsistent with who we are at our core.

Sound ridiculous?  Well, that is what the gay agenda is promoting.  Accept me, accept my sin.  I was born this way, it is part of my dna.  Yes, sin is part of all our DNA,  but Jesus came with a remedy for sin.

This thinking is right in that we are all born sinners.  We all want and need love.  But we somewhere have a disconnect with love and acceptance.  It is not a Christian cliche' to say, "love the sinner, hate the sin".  We all need to navigate this path.  People need love.  Liars, Murderers, cheaters, adultresses, alcoholics...NO PROBLEM.  You were created for God's good pleasure, not your own.

In my 52 years of being a Christian I have never heard anyone say, I am a sinner, liar, gossip, murderer, manipulator and I intend to stay that way, live that way and get to heaven that way.  I have heard Christians say, I am a Christian, my sins are forgiven, yet I still struggle with alcohol, drugs, lying, but by God's grace He is changing me every day.  He is conforming me to His likeness.  He is redeeming my soul from the grave, death, sin and every evil thing.

I have no problem loving a gay person.  I  do have a problem when someone says, I am gay and I fully expect to stay that way.  I don't want God to change me and redeem me.  I am comfortable with my sin.I want you to be comfortable with my sin.    I also think I deserve to lead others in the path of unrighteousness.  It is no different than the Agnostic or Atheist that clings tenaciously to their misguided beliefs.  You are entitled to your beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have to accept them and it doesn't mean that you are right.

There's another un-tolerated idea.  Right.  Wrong.  Who is to say what is wrong?  The Ten Commandments must only be suggestions.  I am my own God, I will decided what is truth and what is not.  Hmm.

Civilization has come to this eroded standard of ethics before, and those societies no longer exist.  Why would that be?

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