Friday, August 30, 2013

Disgraceful Words

Paula Deen's use of the N____ word definitely was disgraceful.   To say so,  is one of the political correct stances of the era.  But what about other disgraceful words like neglect, or the abandonment of the word and meaning of neighbor?

What about the word greed?  That single attitude has brought down corporate America with its co-offenders disloyalty, disrespect, divorce, perversion...shall I go on?

So why do we single out this ONE word?  Maybe because its history of abuse has lingered in our culture for far too long and maybe because its sin is the root to alot of the others.

I introduced  my grandchildren to a history series on "America's Godly Heritage" to which my daughter in law promptly let me know America was not a Godly nation and is not currently a Godly nation, but rather a nation of gods.  Perspective?  "The heart is desperately wicked above all things, who can tame it?"

Perhaps we used to have the illusion of Christianity and morals, and now every sin has come to the surface for this generation to deal with in truth.  Maybe God has allowed the sins to surface, come out of the closet so that they can be dealt with and healed.  To be dealt with in Judgement or Grace as the attitude and intent warrant.  He is the Almighty Judge.

I do want to make the statement that sin is sin whether overt or covert and God will deal with it.  We have spent a lot of years teaching on God's Amazing Love and Grace and that is so true, but we have not balanced that with God's judgement.  There must be both for balance.

So whether I think the N____word or secretly hate my neighbor, is of little import.  The God of all truth, the God who is LOVE will judge accordingly.

My suggestion is that we forgive Paula Deen and her heritage that allowed that seed to sprout in her in 2013.  She has repented in word (her intent only God can judge) she has paid her "fine" so to speak and now let's all move forward.  Let's work toward ONE nation under ONE God.

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